Hello Higgins Lake Swimmers Itch supporter,
As we come to the end of the year we want to update everyone on the HLSIO
activities of 2021 and what we look ahead to in the future. Attached you will find
the year end report and the summary of the results of a research study that we
sponsored during the 2021 season.
The really great news is that Higgins Lake once again had no broods to remove
this summer. What we would have considered an impossible scenario has now
taken place for two consecutive years. Once again we experienced a very low
level of Swimmers Itch cases that were reported this summer. Although
migratory birds can still perpetuate the problem even if they are only on our lake
for short periods of time, the absence of Common Merganser broods goes a
long way toward keeping the number of SI cases small.
Our summer research problem was a real eye opener. Many of the lakes in
Northern Michigan have stayed away from merganser relocation based on the
presence of a similar parasite from a Helisoma snail that cycles with the Canada
Goose. Other lake associations believed that the goose / Helisoma parasite was
a large part of their problem and that Common Merganser relocation was simply
not enough. To this end, they stopped merganser relocation and relied on
protective clothing and / or avoidance of time spent in their lakes to keep SI to a
Our research project gives strong evidence that the Helisoma parasite does
NOT act similarly to the Merganser / Stagnicola snail parasite and causes
virtually no cases of SI. Although similar in physical characteristics, the
Helisoma parasite seems to have very little else in common with the Stagnicola
parasite and continued testing produced no significant SI in the study’s test
subjects. Please read the report to see more deeply into how the study was
conducted and the specifics of the results.
Looking ahead to 2022, we intend to continue to do the things that we have
found to serve us best in the past. We will once again work with Swimmer’s itch
Solutions, Dr Curt Blankespoor and Dr Randy DeJong, to monitor our lake and
remove any Common Merganser broods that might appear on Higgins Lake. We
are also considering doing additional research work that can help us diminish
Swimmers Itch further in the future.
The HLSIO appreciates all you do to support our efforts to keep Higgins
Lake beautiful — from your encouraging comments, to practical hands-on
assistance and financial support . If it aligns with your year-end planning,
consider making a donation, postmarked by December 31, to take
advantage of the tax deduction allowed given our status as a 501(c)(3)
Although it’s possible that Swimmers Itch may never be totally eliminated, we do
feel as though we continue to achieved our objective of lowering the incident of
SI to a manageable state. To this end, your support has been the basis of our
activities. The entire Higgins lake community has been the beneficiary of your
past support. If the year-end is a good time for you to help HLSIO with a tax
deductible donation, please continue to support us in doing this good work.
100% of the donations we receive are used to fund our programs. HLSIO is a
501c(3) tax exempt organization. Donations mailed with a postmark by
December 31 st are eligible for a tax deduction and will help support our initiatives
for future years. HLSIO’s mailing address is:
P. O. Drawer 665, Grayling, MI 49738
Bill Carey, Melanie Brown, Neal Cooley, Phil Czech, Dale McDonald, John
Ogren, Greg Semack,