Swimmer’s Itch Update 8/12/2024

A quick update about Swimmer’s Itch (SI) on Higgins Lake. Si remains relatively low although the reported cases have increased slightly from last year. we expected a slight uptick this summer as there were two Merganser broods on the lake last year the we were unable to relocate due to DNR restrictions. HLSIO conducted a snail infection rate study earlier this season in order to evaluate the prevalence of the parasite that causes Swimmer’s Itch. We found virtually no infected snails. Our Water Exposure study of people using the lake indicated only a minor increase in cases, but much lower than 2015 when we began our program. Starting again this summer, the DNR has lifted their prior restrictions about relocating mergansers. On June 20th we were able to remove the only merganser brood we had this summer on Higgins Lake. Here are images of the duck roundup. Overall the news is very good. As you may know other northern Michigan lake have had relatively high cases of Swimmer’s Itch the past couple years. Our relatively low infection rate clearly demonstrates our relocation efforts are on the right track.

Please help us keep Swimmer’s Itch prevalence low by reporting cases to (http://swimmersitchsolutions.com/higginslakereportacase/), or by joining our Water Exposure research team (complete a short survey after spending time in water). If interested, please send an email to higginsswimmersitch@gmail.com.