Year End Letter 2023

Dear HLSIO supporter,

As 2023 draws to an end, we want to report to you the latest update of your Swimmers Itch (SI) program. During 2023 we saw a return of merganser broods to Higgins Lake without the ability to relocate them for the first time since 2015. We used the summer season to study several aspects of SI control. One study looked at the gestation period of the SI parasite in the ducks. The second study was a continuation of data collection of water exposures to better understand the specific details of where and when SI cases are occurring on Higgins Lake.

New to our website this season was the incorporation of donations accepted via PayPal to help make that process easier for our supporters. And website additions are continually made to give our community access to updated and newsworthy topics regarding SI.

As many of you already know, the DNR has suspended our relocation permit for the past two summers based on their concerns regarding the spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). In their opinion, stopping merganser relocation prevents HPAI transmission to commercial poultry operations. To date, DNR has provided no information that supports this conclusion, and we will continue to work with them to understand their reasoning for the permit suspension and provide potential solutions to address their concerns and end the suspension. In addition, we have been working with Crystal Lake, who has had great success using the relocation program to control their SI cases in prior years. Crystal Lake suffered a large increase in SI cases in 2023 due to the suspension of the relocation program and the increase in merganser broods on their lake. Together we are reaching out to work with the DNR to end our permit suspensions. As of this writing we do not have a firm conclusion about this matter. We intend to continue to communicate our position that suspension of relocation is not warranted based on the scientific information available.

The Higgins Lake community has been a consistent supporter of SI control through relocation. A scientific paper written by Dr Curt Blankespoor and Dr. Randy DeJong about our success has been accepted and will be published in January. Higgins Lake is a large focus of this paper and our success here is now well documented.

HLSIO sponsored an important study during the summer of 2023 which gave clarity to the time parasites become viable after having infected a duckling. It was established that the earliest ducklings were producing parasite eggs was 3 weeks but the number remained very low even through 4 and 5 weeks. By week 7 parasite production was 20 to 30 times greater. This data confirms our strategy of relocation at less than 3 weeks to break the SI cycle. The report on this research study is contained in the attached SIS Research and Control Report on Higgins lake in 2022-2023.

Other research work that was done this past summer was the addition of more data to our water exposure research study. Now we have two summer’s worth of data which helps us focus on where on the lake, and at what times during the season were SI cases reported. As the data increases we will be able to see if patterns reoccur and we can then search for more targeted methods of combating SI. The report on this study can also be found in the attached SIS Research and Control Report on Higgins Lake in 2022-2023.

The Higgins Lake community has many people to thank for their continued support of the Higgins Lake Swimmers Itch Organization and our efforts over the last nine years. Special thanks can be noted for Jim and Laura Witt for hosting our vital fundraising dinner each summer and to Fred’s of Roscommon for contributing their excellent food and beverage service for the dinner that has provided a delightful evening for all who attend. Thanks to everyone who has donated to HLSIO over the years. The success of our program is based on the generosity of our supporters and their unwavering contributions to our fight.

We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season.

Your HLSIO Board

Melanie Brown, Bill Carey, Phil Czech, Duncan Lawrence, Dale McDonald,
John Ogren, Mike Purkey, Greg Semack